Creative Diversity & Inclusion Learning Events
Our learning events, also known as ‘Diversity Workshops’, allow us to engage our clients’ most prized asset, its people, for open, honest, genuine, and thought-provoking conversation about difficult diversity topics in today’s reality. Our focus on the five (5) pillars that shape an effective Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program, allows employees to begin the process of exploration, understanding, and recognition, through our awareness, knowledge and communication techniques.
Nothing resonates louder than employee engagement, and we’ve developed the gateway to attract client’ employees to conversation about real differences, and the many perspectives that allow for personal reflection. We bring the ideal temperament to the “safe space” we invite participants to, and we moderate open, honest, genuine ‘conversation’. Our learning event allows for a gradual progression through the five (5) pillars: Engagement, Trust, Respect, Purpose, and Performance, which shape an effective Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion culture. We begin our learning event with a deep dive into Engagement, and help employees kick-start their imagination, in order to increase cultural awareness, knowledge, and communication across the organization.